语言: 中文版 ENGLISH

  • 2014

    · 韩国株式会社正式成立

    · GRENIA歌锐娜品牌正式诞生

    · Korea Co.,Ltd.was officially established

    · The GRENIA brand was officially born

  • 2015

    创立品牌G&T RETAIN YOUTH ·

    红酒焕肤套盒上市;木乃伊焕肤套盒上市 ·

    Creation of the brand G&T RETAIN YOUTH ·

    red wine peel set on the market;mummy peel set on the market ·

  • 2017

    · 中国区总部落户于上海

    · 歌锐娜国际美业商学院成立

    · The China regional headquarters is located in Minhang District,shanghai

    · Grenia International Beauty Business School Established

  • 2018

    隐克贸易芜湖分公司成立 ·

    咖啡焕肤套盒上市 ·

    Yinke Trading Wuhu Branch was established ·

    Coffee peel kit is available ·

  • 2019

    · GRENIA产品加盟成立

    · GRENIA医用冷敷贴上市

    · INK眼护“灰姑娘”发布

    · ORSIPR&MANOR品牌上市

    · 英国奥西普芳香精油系列上市

    · 芳香疗法布拉提管理手法研发

    · 身体管理治疗与观念改革

    · GRENIA products were established

    · GRENIA Medical Cold Compress launched

    · INK EYe Care“Cinderella”released

    · The ORSIPR&MANOR brand is launched

    · British Oscep aromatic essential oil series is launched

    · Research and development of

    · aromatherapy Blatti managementtechniques

    · Body management therapy and conceptual reform

  • 2020

    少女系客装上市 ·

    积雪草面膜上市 ·

    木乃伊焕肤全新升级 ·

    Girly guest wear is launched ·

    Centella asiatica mask is available ·

    The mummy peel has been completely upgraded ·

  • 2021

    · GRENIA新款嫩肤补水底膜膏

    · 四款针对问题性肌肤的软膜粉上市

    · 医用冷敷贴和精华内容包装全面升级

    · 新型水杨酸和焕颜套组发布

    · GRENIA's new rejuvenating hydrating primer

    · Four soft film powders for troubled skin are available

    · Medical cold compresses and serum content packaging have been fully upgraded

    · New salicylic acid rejuvenation kit released

  • 2022

    GRENIA独家专利产品 ·

    活性蛋白酶套盒上市 ·

    活性蛋白酶精华面膜上市 ·

    美白防晒隔离乳全新升级上市 ·

    库拉索芦荟凝胶上市 ·

    客装软膜粉上市 ·

    GRENIA exclusive patented product Bioprotease cartridges are available Bioprotease Essence Mask is available ·

    Whitening sunscreen barrier milk is newly upgraded and listed ·

    Aloe vera gel on the market ·

    Customer-packed soft filmpowder on the market ·

  • 2023

    · 海藻糖医用皮肤护理敷料上市

    · 复合氨基酸脐带精华液上市

    · 弹力润泽抗皱眼霜上市

    · 全新平衡水乳套发布

    · 全新平衡水乳套发布

    · Trehalose medical skin care dressings are on the market

    · Complex amino acid umblical cord essence on the market

    · Elastic moisturizing anti-wrinkle eye cream on eht market

    · New Balanse Water Milk Sleeve released

  • 2024

    · 植萃密集修护面膜上市

    · 植萃密集修护精华液上市

    · 植萃润泽光感精华液上市

    · 植萃发酵祛痘精华液上市

    · 未完待续...

    · Phyto extract intensive repair facial mask comes into the market

    · Plant extract intensive repair essence liquid comes into the market

    · Plant extract moisturizing light sense essence liquid comes into the market

    · Plant extract and fermented acne removing essence is on the market

    · To be continued...

  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024